The Video Transcription:

The primary people who can assist to get the business out of its financial difficulties are the directors. It is impossible to give 100% to this task if the family at home are starving or the electricity direct debits are bouncing and causing stress at home. Therefore, it is in the interest of the business and the creditors and suppliers that you ensure that each week the minimum amount after eliminating luxuries are paid to sustain the family household.

Download the “Top 10 Tips” PowerPoint Presentation below.

David Murray

David Murray

David is a fully and Highly Qualified Financial Accountant with an unblemished record for almost 30 years.

David has an extensive Academic Record including, inter alia – Gold Medal College of Commerce – First Place Chartered Accountancy (ROI) – Fastest Graduate to Qualify.

David has written many articles on International Trade Finance in Magazines and Sunday Business Newspapers. In addition, has been Late Late TV Show Tested on cases referred by them.

David has extensive Business Experience particularly in Property, Construction, Manufacturing, Equipment, Telecom, Service Companies, SME Sectors in Ireland, UK, Dubai, Poland, etc., Agent in Ireland Bank of Iran, Plc Bank Seminars “Finance for Builders”, etc., etc.

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